Monday, December 21, 2009

Back to the basics?

I seem to get into the arguement about secular music alot; first off let me tell you my position on it. I dont listen to it, it is my belief that if it doesnt give God glory then why be fed by it?
The arguement i always get is simply this... Some of the secular music has great morals it teaches us something different than we can get from christian music. Which is true, but what good are having great morals if you still go to hell?

It has been argued that we NEED secular music because if you cannot identify with the people you are trying to reach you will be ineffective. Which is true, to a certain extent we need to be aware of the "world", but our sole purpose in listening or watching anything that the world has to offer should be to grow in knowledge only to further ourselves in Christ.
But why would we need secular music? I guarantee if Christ had it his way there wouldn't be any other music except that which glorified him. I think the reason people think we need it is because alot of Christian music today is repetitive and the crowd gets bored. Thats when we start looking for more ways to "witness" to people; so we go to secular music.

Why do we have to look for new ways to minister? God said for us to be fishers of men, he provided us with a fishing pole and bait. Instead we throw out the fishing pole and try to jump in and catch something in a crazy way that is soooooo un-biblical. God provided the tools, use them!
Now im not saying don't use different ways to show people God, because there are different ways to cast out and different bait you can use depending on the type of "fish" your trying to catch. Just be sure that all your ministering tools can withstand the fires of hell. We are supposed to be fishermen but we are amatuer, inexperienced and we dont even know how to cast out a line.

Is fishing just a hobby for you, or is it your life?
If its just a hobby then you probably aren't helping anything, but if its life people will be changed.


  1. we talked about this saturday. :)

    okay. i'm very much immersed in music that is secular. i don't think, while i listen to these songs, that i'm pushed further away from God for hearing them. i know you're probably thinking,"but it's not bringing you closer to Him, either."

    but the songs that have made me most aware of His intentions throughout my life are indeed secular. songs that offer me hope.

    another thing about "christian" music is the fact that many of the lyrics ARE cliche. although there are exceptions, most of the time i feel as though the artists are merely saying what they "should" say. a lot of secular music i listen to spiritually inspires me more than "christian" music.

    there are songs i listen to that remind me that other people have experienced emotions similar to my own. it's important to feel that connection with other people. i'm not going to stand here and say this applies to every single song of my 14-day list in my itunes, but i often think i hear certain songs because God knows how much i need them.

    not everything that awakens the soul to the Lord resides under the christian label.

    God can send messages in all kinds of ways.

  2. Where did fear come from? It didn't just appear did it? If i was to say that every single one of your fears came from one of your realtives telling you there was a boogeyman in your closet when you were 2 you would probably say, Yeah Right. But its true it all starts somewhere, and it may not seem like your fear of the dark comes from when you were 3 but if you will take a step back and see; little things change you. And as for Cliche. Revelation 4:8-11 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." Cliche doesn't matter its about your sacrificial heart.

    Finally: 1 Corinthians 8:13
    Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
    If you change a few words......
    Therefore, if what I listen to causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never listne to secular music again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
    Secular music can cause people to fall. Its about your heart, my heart cannot and will not do anything to let my brother fall.
